Home Remedies to Bring Down Your Fever Naturally

At an average, normal body temperatures for adults typically range from 98.6degF (37degC). Adult fever can be identified when temperatures surpass 100.4degF – this may vary due to environmental, activity level hormone levels and many other variables; but when fever has set in it should exceed this threshold as soon as possible as otherwise it could spread among other people who could also become infected by it. It is imperative that once fever has set in that any potential carriers should remain away as quickly as possible in order to protect other from infection by staying away from others as you might carry a virus!

An outbreak of fever typically indicates an infection (bacterial or viral). As your body fights off an infection, its temperature rises. Home Remedies for Fever is an effective signal to activate your immune system and make viruses and bacteria less able to survive inside you when suffering from an illness that causes fever. While fever itself does not indicate disease or condition, it may still cause discomfort.

Weather changes often trigger fever, making many sick. Signs of fever include rising body temperatures, body aches and headaches. Although fever is sometimes used as a defense mechanism against infection and disease, there are ways you can manage and relieve it effectively. Here are a few effective remedies:

Take a bath

Soothing your body with lukewarm water can help bring its temperature down. Avoid taking cool or refreshing waters in order to reduce fever levels as this only serves to increase body heat instead. Instead, taking a warm (not cold or cool) bath can also relax muscles throughout your body and lower fever levels significantly.

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Suck on Ice

Consuming ice cubes or pops may help soothe sore throats and prevent dehydration, while simultaneously increasing oral temperature readings. To prevent this effect from happening it’s essential that 15 or 30-minutes (depending on age) pass before taking an oral temperature reading to ensure a more accurate reading.

Sponge bath

Sponge Bath For a soothing soak without taking an actual bath, an Epsom salt soak may be just what the doctor ordered. Use a sponge to apply cool, refreshing water over hot spots like armpits and groins so as to lower body temperatures while placing damp cloth on forehead and neck area as an additional way of relaxation.

Drink hot ginger tea

A cup of hot ginger tea can be an effective remedy when dealing with fever. To make it, combine one-half teaspoon minced ginger root in 1 cup of boiling water before straining and sipping from it directly.

Eat Small Meals

Many have heard the expression, “Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever,” however in reality it’s important to eat whenever hungry regardless of an illness that causes fever. Some individuals might experience decreased appetite during an illness; therefore consuming smaller meals and soups with lower caloric counts will ensure they receive all necessary nutrition during treatment. Eating lighter-weight meals also protects your digestive system which could temporarily become impaired due to various diseases.

Treat fever with wet socks

If you are suffering from fever, try using wet socks as a treatment option. Start by cleansing your feet using warm water before submerging the socks you soaked into cold water for 10-15 minutes before squeezing out excess liquid before wearing. On top of it all, wear an unwashed pair of wool socks; these will help ease fever symptoms while improving circulation throughout your body.

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Drink plenty of fluid

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids It is essential that when suffering from fever, we consume between 8-12 glasses of water daily in order to lighten urine output and replenish any lost fluids or minerals from our body. This will also help ease symptoms by diluting our urine.

Types of fluids that can help to soothe a fever include:

  • Water
  • Juice
  • Decaffeinated or non-caffeinated tea
  • Sports drinks

Sports Drinks It is wise to avoid beverages containing caffeine, such as teas, coffees and some kinds of sodas that contain caffeine as they may also contribute to dehydration. Keep in mind that drinking fluids won’t likely significantly bring down fever; but can ease symptoms while helping prevent dehydration.

Wear Lightweight Clothing

Sleeping or lying down while wearing lightweight clothing and blankets will help bring down your body temperature, especially if you are experiencing chills that cause them to overcompensate by layering heavier clothing or blankets, which could prevent fever from subsiding or increase it instead.