What Are Tooth Implants?

Q: What Is a Tooth Implant?

A Tooth Implant is a metal root designed to replace a missing tooth. Your dentist inserts it into your jawbone, healing for some time until the bone-implant connection is strong enough to support prosthetic teeth. Implants are made of titanium, an easily tolerated material by our body.

How does dental bonding work to replace missing teeth?

A: If you want to use an Tooth Implants for replacing missing teeth, your dentist must first assess if there is enough bone support. A surgical procedure must then be used in order to implant the implant into the bone so that it won’t be rejected by the body. In order to place it into your jawbone, gum tissue must be taken out and stitched up around or over it once in place. Once inserted into the bone, allow it to heal for several months before supporting a prosthetic tooth can be attached.

Q: Which dentist do I need to see?

A: Every dentist can place or repair a Tooth Implant. Typically, oral surgeons and periodontists place them; prosthodontists or general practitioners “restore the teeth”. When looking for someone to place your implant, consult with either your general practitioner or prosthodontist first to assess their expertise and education in this area of dentistry. Ultimately, you may choose to work with one of these specialists and follow their suggestions on who will place your Tooth Implant.

Q: How much will implants cost me?

A: On average, dental procedures cost between $1500 and $2,000. Consult your dentist for further details.

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Q What is the best way to treat tooth loss? Are dental implants a permanent solution for this issue?

A: Dental Implants can be used permanently. There are, however, some exceptions… In rare cases, the Tooth Implant may not fully integrate and need replacing; in such cases, another implant would be placed which would remain and become permanent. Repair or maintenance may be required… In fact, most restorations require some type of upkeep and/or replacement over a certain period of time; be prepared for any potential costs in this regard.

Do you know of anyone who cannot receive Teeth Implants?

A: Most people can benefit from Tooth Implants, though there are exceptions and precautions… Patients with diabetes that is uncontrolled or severe psychological problems are not suitable candidates. Furthermore, those with severe medical issues cannot typically undergo surgery. Most Tooth Implant procedures can usually be completed under local anesthesia – making them safer than general anesthesia-required ones.

Patients missing a significant amount of bone are not ideal candidates for Tooth Implants; however, bone grafts can be used to replace what is missing and allow patients to get dental implants. Before making your decision about receiving Tooth Implants, speak to your dentist and determine whether you qualify. Knowing any factors that could make you an improved candidate should help in making an informed decision as to whether these procedures should be considered for implementation.

Patients needing substantial bone grafting in order to place implants are encouraged to consult an oral surgeon. Any dentist skilled enough can perform several minor bone grafts necessary for placing Tooth Implants.

See also  You are undergoing Tooth Implant Surgery to Improve Your Smile

Tips to Prevent Tooth Implant Issues

#1. Research who has implants and ask them who performed them and what steps were taken to gain access.

#2. This field requires specialized education in order to succeed.

#3. Request a comprehensive written treatment plan that outlines all fees and guarantees there aren’t any hidden expenses.

#4. Arrange for a second consultation to help you assess the first one.

#5. Enquire about the names of patients the dentist has seen and any other dentists they’ve collaborated with. Contacting them can give you further insight into the work this dentist does.

#6. Assess the dedication a dentist has to both dentistry and Tooth Implants. Does he or she teach? Publish articles in scientific dental literature? Can they be considered an “expert” within this field of treatment?

#7. Look for a dentist who exhibits confidence, caution and precision when performing your dental procedures.

#8. Don’t be afraid to inquire what procedures the dentist has successfully completed.

#9. Discuss with your dentist the potential outcomes of failure. What would happen if an implant doesn’t work out and are there other treatment options in case this treatment plan doesn’t succeed?